Are you aware of Tax FREE Childcare
Current voucher schemes through your work are still valid for the next few years however, if you want to opt put of your current scheme to join the government scheme, you can do- please see below for further information.
Further information on Tax-Free Childcare
Parents are able to apply for Tax-Free Childcare through the digital childcare service. Working parents of children aged under 12 can use Tax-Free Childcare through the childcare service account, to pay for registered childcare. The government will top- up the money that parents pay into the account. For every £8 parents pay in, the Government will add an extra £2. Parents can receive £2,000 per child per year or £4,000 if disabled.
The eligibility criteria for Tax-Free Childcare are broadly aligned with 30 hours free childcare. The main differences are that Tax-Free Childcare is available for children under 12 and is not available to parents in receipt of tax credits, Universal credit or childcare vouchers. Parents in receipt of these can choose, as part of the childcare service application whether they want to keep these benefits and apply for the extended entitlement only, or leave these and apply for Tax-Free Children as well as the extended entitlement.
Website: Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK